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Monday, October 17, 2011

Seasons Change - 2006

Genre: Romance
Year: 2006
Director: Nithiwat Tharatorn
Country: Thailand
Language: Thai
Subtitle: Malay
Shelf Date: 12-12-2006

Lead Actors:
Vittawats Sigklumpong… Pom
Chutima Theepanarth… Aom

Supporting Actors:
Yuwanart Arayanimitsakul… Dao
Panisara Pimpru… Rosie
Ratchu Surachalas… Ched
Chalermpol Tuntawisut… Chat
Kazuki Yano… Jitaro

Pom (Witawat Singhalampong), a little drummer boy with a crush on Dao (Yuwanart Arayanimitsakul), a pretty girl in his school who doesn’t even realise he exists.

But when he finds out she is heading off to Mahidol College of Music, Pom decides to enrol, against the wishes of his grocer father (Jumpon Thongtan), who wants the boy to study medicine and become a doctor, just like his father’s best friend.

For help in covering up his music studies, Pom enlists the help of Aom (Chutima Teepanart), the daughter of that doctor. And thus begins the love triangle. Pom only has eyes for the beautiful, talented Dao, who’s practicing so hard at becoming a violin prodigy and a scholarship to Hungary, that she doesn’t have time for boys. While Aom, who isn’t as pretty or musically gifted but has spunk to spare, has fallen for Pom. She indulges Pom in the only way a good Thai girl can – she doesn’t make him eat his vegetables.

Pom, meanwhile, must also choose between rock music and classical. Should he go for a sound that’s fun to play and easy to listen to, or opt for elegance and sophistication, but also a lot of hard work? He’s picked by a couple of guys and pressed into their power trio, playing some punky, guitar-driven rock ballads.

However, since Dao is the concertmaster for the orchestra, Pom joins that as well and lands a spot playing timpani. He’s frustrated by Dao’s failure to notice him and bored by the lack of notes in the Vivaldi piece they’re playing – a little number called The Four Seasons.

But, with the help of a wizened Yoda of a Japanese percussion instructor (the enjoyable mime-actor Yano Kazuki, who gets more play here than he did in Metrosexual), Pom begins to understand the spaces between the notes and take interest in the bigger picture. Plus, he’s helping Aom, a multi-instrumentalist whose only real talent seems to be the cymbals, with her studies. Maybe the girl has possibilities, both as a girlfriend and as a talented musician, after all.

Eventually Pom makes his final decision – he goes classical – much to the disappointment of the guys in his band. They play one last number on the campus quad, which catches the attention of Dao. Suddenly, she and Pom are an item and a crestfallen Aom fades to the background.


Azeem_Daniyal said...

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